Coaching Courses: Book Now

Coaching Courses: Book Now

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Book Now: The Final Few Courses of 2010

The expertise of Coaching is at the heart of cycling performance at every level of the sport.

Whether you want to teach basic bike handling skills to future generations of riders, learn more detailed riding knowledge to benefit yourself and your local club or have aspirations to mentor Great Britain’s elite at major international events, we have a coaching course to allow you to achieve your goals.

British Cycling’s Coach Education department continues to run a vast array of courses throughout the winter months, so there’s no better time to diversify your learning across the many different cycling disciplines.

Below is a list of courses we are running between now and the end of the year throughout the UK, but details of all our courses, plus information on costing – and possible funding – can be found by clicking the links below or relevant tabs to the left. Alternatively, you can simply call a member of the Coaching and Education team on 0161 274 2060.

Next year, we will have more courses in more areas than ever before, so if you don’t see the course you’re looking for in your region, let us know, and we will see what we have coming up in 2011.

We look forward to hearing from you, but whatever you decide to do over the winter, make the most of your coaching skills and keep on cycling!

Level 2 Road & Time Trial Coaching Award
Hog Hill  - 23rd and 24th October - £195

Level 1 Certificate in Coaching Cycling
Port Talbot, Wales - 30th October (Day 2 takes place 27th November) - £245

Level 2 MTB Coaching Award
Whinlatter, Cumbria - 30th and 31st October - £195
Glasgow - 27th and 28th November - £195

Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Cycling
Exeter - 6th and 7th November (Day 3 takes place 25th February) - £395
Durham - 13th and 14th November (Day 3 takes place 5th March) - £395
Newport - 13th and 14th November (Day 3 takes place 5th March) - £395

Level 2 Track  Award
Newport - 11th and 12th December - £195