NTC 25

British Cycling Data Privacy Notice

Last updated December 2023


This privacy notice tells you what to expect when British Cycling collects and handles your personal information. Please read it carefully to understand what we do with your personal data.

If you are under 16, please get your parent/guardian’s permission before you provide any personal information to us.

British Cycling is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and complying with the principles of applicable data protection laws: the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (2018), and other laws that may come into effect to regulate the use of personal data.

The British Cycling Federation of Stuart Street, Manchester, M11 4DQ is the data controller of personal data referred to in this policy. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under registration number Z1066209.

This privacy notice covers information British Cycling collects and uses when:

1. You visit or register to use our websites

2. You become a member of British Cycling

3. You sign up to British Cycling Learning

4. You sign up to receive communications and marketing from us or our partners

5. You post cycling related material on social media

6. You join British Cycling’s Let’s Ride community and book a recreational ride

7. You take part in a cycling activity through one of our programmes

8. You enter or volunteer at an event

9. You join a British Cycling affiliated club

10. You complete a British Cycling Survey or take part in our research

11. It is required for British Cycling to deliver its role as the National Governing Body for cycle sport

We provide separate privacy notices for:

  • Athletes and Riders on British Cycling Programmes
  • British Cycling Staff and Contractors
  • British Cycling Suppliers

We also provide privacy information at the point of data collection for surveys, research work, and some cycling participation initiatives where we think it is helpful for you.

Information British Cycling collects and uses

1. When you visit or register to use our websites
Types of data we collect

Name, email address, IP address
Information you send us when you communicate with us through our website
Details about your visits to our site including timing, frequency and pattern of use (See our Cookie policy)

How we collect data

Directly from you when you fill in forms while registering for activities and making purchases (such as British Cycling membership or event entry) on our websites

  • britishcycling.org.uk
  • learning.britishcycling.org.uk
  • letsride.co.uk
What we use it for
  • Enable you to participate in interactive features of British Cycling’s service if you choose to do so
  • Authenticate you when you register with us
  • Send you news or marketing related to British Cycling or our partners if you choose to receive it
  • Ensure that content from our websites is presented in the most effective manner
  • Understand the use of our sites and to improve user experience
Who we share data with

Companies that process data on our behalf such as providers of website hosting and email, marketing and customer engagement services.

2. When you become a member of British Cycling
Types of data we collect

Name, email and postal address, telephone number, competition eligibility, photo, payment information, communication preferences, emergency contact details
Details of participation: clubs and events/races, and race results
Details of cycling-related qualifications and training
Special category data: data about racial or ethnic origin, disability, gender identity.

How we collect data

Directly from you when you sign up for membership or contact us
From your parent or guardian if you are a member under 16

What we use it for
  • Provide and service your membership
  • Notify you about changes to our service
  • Carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and British Cycling
  • Administer and print race licenses
  • Send you the member newsletter, and marketing from British Cycling or our partners if you choose to receive it
  • Gather statistics about memberships and people interested in and/or taking part in cycling
  • Meet our funder reporting obligations
  • Undertake disciplinary investigations where we have reason to believe that a member has not complied with British Cycling’s Policies (including but not limited to the British Cycling Code of Conduct).
Who we share data with
  • Companies that process data on our behalf such as website and database hosting companies, payment processing providers, email and SMS broadcasting companies, our print supplier for membership cards and race licenses
  • Our providers of member insurance cover if you are involved in or witness an incident, or if you make a claim.
  • Governing bodies of cycling where required to assist in disciplinary issues and maintenance of competition licences, including the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI, the world governing body) and other international cycling federations
  • Home country cycling federations Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling.

3. When you sign up to British Cycling Learning
Types of data we collect

Name, email address, British Cycling membership number, emergency contact details (if attending face to face training)
Your name and image may be captured on a recording of an online seminar

How we collect data

Directly from you when you register for a British Cycling course or qualification, or attend online training

What we use it for
  • Enable you to take part in our online training and learning courses
  • Keep a record of the courses you have completed
  • Make seminar recordings available for course attendees to revisit
  • Allow British Cycling Education team to quality assure training
Who we share data with
  • Our online learning system supplier and their processors
  • Attendees of a course will have access to seminar recordings from the course they are attending.

4. When you sign up to receive communications and marketing from us or our partners
Types of data we collect

Name, email address, communication preferences

How we collect data

Directly from you when you sign up to receive communications from us.
Information we collect about your interaction with emails and communications we send you.

What we use it for
  • Provide you with information, products or services that you request from British Cycling or which we feel may interest you, where we are legally entitled to do so
  • Segment your personal data to make sure that you only receive information that is relevant to you
  • Better understand our audience to assist with marketing, communications, content.
Who we share data with
  • Companies that process data on our behalf such as database hosting companies, email and SMS broadcasting companies, printing and mailing houses to send products and benefits to our customers that are not directly produced by British Cycling, marketing agencies to provide relevant digital content to our customers (including prospective customers where applicable).
  • Commercial partners to send marketing communications to you where we have your consent to do so.

5. When you post cycling related material on social media
Types of data we collect

Information from your social media accounts but only where you have given us permission to use it. For example, posts, pictures and video footage you share on sites such as Facebook and X

How we collect data

From your social media

What we use it for

To promote the work and impact of British Cycling

Who we share data with

Social media companies e.g. Facebook to provide you with relevant social media posts. We may also use your email address to create ‘lookalike audiences’ on Facebook in order to reach people who may be interested in British Cycling.

More information (including how to manage your preferences) can be found at https://www.facebook.com/about/basics/advertising

6. When you join British Cycling’s Let’s Ride community and book a recreational ride or volunteer to lead a ride or a group
Types of data we collect

Name, email and postal address, phone number, date of birth, photo, emergency contact details, British Cycling membership number, number of children, cycling preferences, routes, buddies or groups you ride with.
Additional data for volunteers: qualifications, clothing size, details of cycling background.
Special category data:
data about disability, gender identity

How we collect data

Directly from you when you sign up to Let’s Ride, join a group ride, Breeze ride, or Pedal Party or volunteer to become a ride or group leader.

What we use it for
  • Enable you to join our recreational cycling community and sign up to rides
  • Receive notifications about future rides
  • Volunteer to lead rides or groups
  • Reward you when you reach led ride milestones
  • Send you relevant news tips and offers if you choose to receive it
  • Gather statistics about people interested in and/or taking part in cycling
  • Notify you about changes to our service.
Who we share data with
  • British Cycling ride and group leaders to enable them to administer activities and communicate with participants.
  • Companies that process data on our behalf such as website hosting companies, email broadcasting companies.

7. When you take part in a cycling activity through one of British Cycling’s programmes like Go-Ride or Limitless, or initiatives like British Cycling City Academies
Types of data we collect

Name, email and postal address, age, emergency contact details, photos and videos (with consent), details of sessions attended, cycling preferences
Parent/guardian/supporter details (name, email address, postcode)
Special category data: health or medical data relevant to the activity, data about disability and ethnic or racial origin, gender identity

How we collect data

Directly from you when you sign up for the activity, or from your parent/guardian/supporter.

What we use it for
  • Enable you to sign up to and take part in the activity
  • Let you know about future similar activities if you choose to hear from us
  • Take photos of the activity, where you have provided consent, to use in reporting to our funders or activity partners or to promote the activities.
Who we share data with
  • Third party partners such as Local Authorities, Active Partnerships, commercial partners, charitable organisations and transport partners who enable and support the local delivery of cycling programmes and initiatives.
  • Funders Sport England where we use case studies to report on the impact our programmes deliver.
  • Home country cycling federations Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling.

8. When you enter, attend and volunteer at events
Types of data we collect

This applies to events where the event organiser uses the British Cycling Event Management System.
Name, email and postal address, telephone number, date of birth, British Cycling membership number, race licence number, competition eligibility, emergency contact details, club/team name, fee paid.
Additional data for volunteers: qualifications, clothing size, details of cycling background.

How we collect data

Directly from you when you enter or volunteer at a British Cycling registered event using the British Cycling Event Management System

What we use it for
  • Process your entry to enable you to join an event 
  • Process your entry payment 
  • Provide you with information about the event
  • Publish and maintain a comprehensive set of results and rankings for the sport of cycling
  • Meet our health and safety and incident management obligations, and to safeguard other members
Who we share data with
  • British Cycling registered event organisers and officials to enable them to manage activities and communicate with participants and appointed volunteers about activities
  • Third party payment providers to process payments
  • Governing bodies of cycling to assist in event management, disciplinary issues and maintenance of competition licences, including the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI, the world governing body) and other international cycling federations.
  • Home country cycling federations Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling to manage cycling events, volunteers and participants based in Scotland and Wales
  • Sports results agencies to collate results and reports for the British Cycling website on behalf of British Cycling
  • Timing providers to provide timing and results services
  • Organisations involved in event management (security, hospitality, venues) as necessary to ensure the efficient management of events.

9. When you join a British-cycling affiliated club
Types of data we collect

This applies to clubs that use the British Cycling Club Management Tool.
Name, email and postal address, telephone number, date of birth, emergency contact details
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are required for some volunteer roles in line with safer recruitment procedures for roles working with children and vulnerable adults and may disclose criminal offence data about a previous caution or conviction.

How we collect data

Directly from you when you join a British Cycling-affiliated club where the club uses the British Cycling Club Management Tool.

What we use it for
  • Register you as a club member
  • Process payments
  • Enable your club to provide you with information about club activities and events, and promotions and discounts where you have chosen to receive it.
Who we share data with
  • British Cycling affiliated cycling club officials to enable clubs to communicate with and administer activities for their club members.
  • Home country cycling federations Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling to manage cycling clubs based in Scotland and Wales and to support the welfare, development, progression and performance of individual members and clubs within cycling in Scotland and Wales.

10. When you complete a British Cycling survey or agree to take part in our research
Types of data we collect

Name, email address, British Cycling membership number, location, race license (if the survey or research is not anonymous), cycling interests
Demographic data such as age, socio-economic background
Information that you provide in response to the survey/research questions
Special category data: data about ethnic or racial origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation

How we collect data

Directly from you when you agree to take part in a survey or a piece of research we are conducting

What we use it for
  • Process survey responses
  • Enable us to understand the views of the cycling community
  • Monitor the impact of our activity and offer
  • Contact you for follow up research if you have consented to it
  • Contact you for qualitative research such as focus groups
  • For reporting purposes where we may use statistical research data to report to our funders.
Who we share data with

Research partners such as market research companies, academic institutions and analytics companies to undertake cycling-related research.

Statistical research data may be shared with our funders Sport England and UK Sport.

11. Where it is required for British Cycling to deliver its role and obligations as the National Governing Body for cycling sport
Types of data we collect

Name, email and postal address and telephone number
Additional information about you as required depending on the purpose.
Special category data may be collected about your health or wellbeing

How we collect data

Directly from you or from a third party where they may report a matter or concern to us in which you are involved, or where we have collected information about you from investigating a complaint or concern reported by you or others.

What we use it for

Carry out British Cycling’s National Governing Body functions including working with Scottish and Welsh Cycling as part of the British Cycling Federation.
Our functions include the areas of:

  • Governance
  • Legal
  • Safeguarding
  • Compliance with the technical regulations of cycling sport, code of conduct in sport, anti-doping
  • Dealing with complaints, concerns and correspondence.
Who we share data with
  • UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) to meet our obligations under the National Anti-Doping Policy and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code.
  • UK Sport, Sport England, Sport Scotland, Sport Wales to meet any funding obligations.
  • The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), The Union Européenne de Cyclisme (UEC) where required for compliance or safeguarding matters
  • Insurers and legal advisors to advise and effectively manage any legal and insurance claims.
  • Government agencies where we have a legal basis for doing so.
  • Relevant safeguarding bodies, authorities and the police as required.
  • Other professional bodies or their regulators as required.

Lawful basis for processing personal data

The legal basis on which we collect and process your personal data described above depends on the personal information concerned, and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will only use your personal information where we:

  • Have your consent to do so
  • Need the personal data to perform a contract with you
  • Need to process your personal information for our legitimate interests, and only where our legitimate interests are not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms
  • Have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you, or
  • Need the personal information to protect your, or someone else’s, vital interests.

If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time, and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not, and the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information.

British Cycling will not use any of the personal information we collect from you to make automated business decisions.

Conditions for processing special category data

We collect and process special categories of personal data for the purposes of equality monitoring, safeguarding, anti-doping and to protect the integrity and standards of behaviour in sport under the Data Protection Act substantial public interest conditions: 8. Equality of opportunity or treatment, 18. Safeguarding of children and individuals at risk, 27. Anti-doping in sport, 28. Standards of behaviour in sport.

Where we collect data about criminal convictions or offences disclosed through DBS, we do so under Data Protection Act part 1 Conditions relating to employment, social security and social protection.

Our Appropriate Policy Document provides further details of how we handle special category data.

Transferring personal data outside the UK

We do not envisage transferring any information about, or relating to, individuals to anyone who is located outside of the UK and European Economic Area.

However, sometimes companies who process data on our behalf may store or process data in other countries. Where we permit this, we will ensure that those companies provide and maintain appropriate safeguards so that your personal information is subject to the same standards and protections as it is inside the UK and European Economic Area.

Security of your information

British Cycling will take all steps reasonably necessary including policies, procedures and security features to ensure that your data is processed securely and protected from unauthorised and unlawful access and/or use, and in accordance with this notice.

Where we require you to use a password to access certain parts of the website, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential and not sharing it with anyone.

Where any payments are being collected on our behalf, we require our payment providers to be compliant with the Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS).

Data storage and retention

We will hold information about you in our systems only for as long as we need it for the purpose for which we collected it. British Cycling sets out its data retention requirements in its data retention schedule. But in particular:

  • Any data relating to the obligations of British Cycling to maintain a comprehensive, published index of results as a National Governing Body for sport will be retained. This would include name, age category, competition eligibility and details of the event in which an individual took part.
  • Personal data linked to the processing of insurance claims, subject access requests, disputes, safeguarding investigations, disciplinary or police matters, and British Cycling governance will only be kept for as long as it necessary for those purposes.

Your information rights

Under data protection laws you have information rights in relation to your personal data. They are the right to:

  • Be informed about how we process and how we use your personal data
  • Request access to your personal data
  • Request that your personal data is rectified if inaccurate, and completed if incomplete
  • Request that we erase or delete your personal data
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal data in some circumstances
  • Request that we provide a copy of your personal data in a format that can be transferred to another data controller
  • Object to our processing of your personal data
  • Not be subject to automated decision making
  • Withdraw your consent at any time if our processing is based on your consent.

If you want to exercise any of your information rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the details below.

Contacting the Data Protection Officer

We hope we can satisfy any queries you have about the way we process your data. If you wish to contact us about your personal data or exercise any of your rights please contact:


The Data Protection Officer, British Cycling Federation, Stuart Street, Manchester, Lancashire M11 4DQ.

If you are not happy with how we have handled your data or responded to your rights request, you have the right to raise a complaint with the UK Regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Data protection and personal information complaints tool | ICO.

Changes to our Data Privacy Notice

We will update this privacy notice from time to time as required. Where there is any significant change, we will let you know via our communication channels and newsletters.