Points: Lucy Gadd

Current Club: Smurfit Westrock Cycling Team
Year End Club: Storey Racing
Competition Eligibility: Female
Category: 1st
National Rank: 14
National Points: 84
Regional Rank: N/A




Date Category Event Position Points
17/10/2021 National A HSBC UK | National Road Race Championships 2021 (HSBC UK | National Women's Championships) 0 0
15/10/2021 National A HSBC UK | National Circuit Race Championships 2021 (Women's Circuit Championship) 9 20
14/10/2021 National A HSBC UK | National Time Trial Championships 2021 (U23 Women) 5 35
26/09/2021 National A Curlew Cup 2021 (E/1/2/3 Women) 14 15
19/09/2021 National B Hillingdon Races The Will Houghton & The British Women's Team Cup (E/1/2/3 Women) 1 30
12/09/2021 National B South and South West Regional Road Champs Men + Women (South Region Road Championships - Senior Women)
04/09/2021 National B Southampton Sporterium - Criterium (E/1/2/3 Women) 3 21
24/08/2021 Regional C+ Southdown Velo 2021 Goodwood Mini Series #4 (Women only) 1 10
22/08/2021 National A The Ryedale Grasscrete Women's Grand Prix (E/1/2/3 Women) 17 8
17/08/2021 Regional C+ Southdown Velo 2021 Goodwood Mini Series #3 (Women only) 1 10
08/08/2021 National B Tour of Witheridge Moor (E/1/2/3 Women) 3 45
03/08/2021 Regional C+ Southdown Velo 2021 Goodwood Mini Series #2 (Women only) 2 8
27/07/2021 Regional C+ Southdown Velo 2021 Goodwood Mini Series #1 (Women only) 2 8
25/07/2021 National B Berkhamsted Cycle Club Road Race (E/1/2/3 Women) 13 11
18/07/2021 National B The Barnsley (Not in the Town Centre....) Races (E/1/2/3 Women) 28 0
11/07/2021 National B The Solihull CC Men's and Women's Road Races (E/1/2/3 Women) 0 0
04/07/2021 Regional A A Bridge Too Far (2/3/4 Women) 2 25
30/06/2021 National A The 2021 LOGCO Otley Cycle Races (The Spatz Otley Women's Grand Prix) 20 1
27/06/2021 National A Women's CiCLE Classic (E/1/2/3 Women) 15 12
22/06/2021 Regional C+ Behind The Bikeshed's Summer Circuits 12 (3rd Cat Only.) 19 0
08/06/2021 Regional C+ Behind The Bikeshed's Summer Circuits 10 (3rd Cat Only.) 27 0
31/05/2021 National B Loughborough Cycling Festival incorporating National Youth Series (The Jose Gilbert Memorial Trophy incorporating the British Women's Team Cup) 2 25
02/04/2021 Regional C Easter Classic at Odd Down (Women's E/1/2/3/4) 2 0
  Rider's total points     284