Coach Development Framework Consultation

Coach Development Framework Consultation

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If you’re reading this, you will probably have trained as a coach under our current UKCC system (United Kingdom Coaching Certificate). You’ll be familiar with the pathway – starting at Level 1 and progressing through the levels, adding a discipline after Level 2. These courses were designed to meet the standards prescribed by the UKCC, a national framework supported by Sport England and adopted across most sports.  

Whilst we are proud of the courses we have developed - the introduction of blended learning (allowing us to remove slide presentations and increase practical activity on-course), the reduction in assessment paperwork, the individual support given by our committed tutors - we’ve thought for a while now, that we can do even better. 

Over the past year we’ve been looking to the future. We have asked coaches and riders about what would work for cycling. We started with the question “who are the riders and what are their needs?". We asked the question “as a coach supporting these riders, what do you need to know, what skills do you need, how should you behave?”  

We believe we now have the foundations of a new model, a coach education framework fit for cycling; a framework which embraces the diversity in cycling, which recognises that different riders require coaches with different skill sets; a framework with more starting points and more opportunities for specialisation and ongoing development; a framework which will allow each coach to tailor their learning to meet their needs and the needs of the riders they support.  

And we’d like your input. We want you to help shape the framework.  

We’ll share our thoughts and our vision early in the new year, along with details of how you can get involved.