Frodsham Wheelers

North West | FRODSHAM

Club Image

Club Information

Club type: Club Racing
Affiliated: 31/12/2025
Affilation status: Active

Total club members: 42

About our club

Frodsham Wheelers is a Cheshire based road cycling club. Riders of all abilities are welcome, and there are regular rides midweek and on Saturdays and Sundays.

We are an established club, and are keen to welcome new members. We promote competitive events on a regular basis, and are always looking to expand our sporting calendar with the support of our members.

Our rides vary in distance and intensity, from the "Legs & Lungs" Saturday run (60 miles) or the long distance Sunday run to the leisurely "Coffee & Cruise" group which are now out on a weekly basis.
Typically the "A Group" are covering up to 70 to 100 miles in the summer on Sundays and can have some hill challenges . The "B Group" Rides are aimed more at newer riders and riders who want a more leisurely paced ride. Typically in the region of 40-70 miles at around an average speed of 15-17mph.

Rides are pre planned and advertised through our Facebook page, and other impromptu rides are organised by club members

Ride times are Saturday "Legs & Lungs" 08:30 in Runcorn, and the main Sunday rides from Twelve50 Bikes in Frodsham at 09:00.

Thanks for reading this, we hope to see you out soon......

I am a member of this club Buy Club Membership


Club contact: Mr Rob Cowell
Email: Email the club
Postcode: WA6 6QQ

Club Website


How to join our club

Please choose from the following options to pay club subscriptions.

If you are not yet a member of this club we recommend that you contact the club using the details in the contact tab before you buy your subscription. Please note the £1.00 application fee is non-refundable.

  Price Age Membership required?

Second Claim

+£1.00 application fee
18 - 90 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Second Claim
Age : 18 - 90
Price : £5.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

Annual Club Subs

+£1.00 application fee
18 - 64 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Annual Club Subs
Age : 18 - 64
Price : £10.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

Junior Annual Club Subs

+£1.00 application fee
12 - 17 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Junior Annual Club Subs
Age : 12 - 17
Price : £5.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

OAP Annual Club Subs

+£1.00 application fee
65 - 90 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
OAP Annual Club Subs
Age : 65 - 90
Price : £5.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

We are open to

Adults (Aged 18+)
Intermediate riders
Advanced riders

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free