Welsh Cycling Coronavirus / Covid-19 Update


2.7.2021 - Welsh Cycling Return to Cycle Racing update & FAQs


Over the past 15 months, Welsh Cycling has been working hard to prepare the groundwork for a return to racing as soon as Welsh Government allowed it. Recently, Welsh Government eased the restrictions to a point that allows racing to resume, providing all coronavirus mitigation measures are in place.

Welsh Cycling are pleased to announcement that events have been slowly and steadily resuming after the COVID hiatus, and furthermore we are pleased to announce further dates to the racing calendar in Wales.

Following the questions and queries we have received over the past couple of weeks, we have pulled together some FAQ’s, which you can find here.

For more information about events, please contact our events officer, Chris Landon on chris.landon@welshcycling.co.uk

4.6.2021 - Welsh Cycling update

Following Welsh Government’s announcement by the First Minister for Wales, Mark Drakeford, Welsh Cycling can provide some positive news about relaxations to the COVID regulations and what it means for cycling.

The announcement today (4th June) included a number of key relaxations. The key messages from today included:

  • Wales will move to Alert Level 1 from the 7th June, as the Press Release states "the limit on larger outdoor organised gatherings and events, such as concerts, football matches and sporting activities, like organised running groups can go ahead for up to 4,000 people standing and 10,000 people seated. All organisers planning events and activities must undertake a full risk assessment and put in place measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, including social distancing."

For cycling, we are currently interpreting this as competitive or sportif events outdoors, however more details through the regulations and guidance will be provided next week by the Welsh Government. Should you require further information on organising events, please contact: events.officer@welshcycling.co.uk

You can find updated guidance & regulations regarding larger events here.

For more information, please refer to the Welsh Government FAQ’s document here - these are to be updated week commencing 7th June.

Regulation and guidance around the return of clubs, groups, and led rides in Wales.

We would like to remind our clubs, groups and volunteers of the regulation and guidance around the return of club activity. The stipulations below take in this advice and the current Welsh Government regulations and guidance around sports returning to activity, and hence must be adhered to in order that your activity complies with the law in Wales and is insured by British Cycling:

  • Welsh Cycling have adopted British Cycling’s ‘The Way Forward’ guidance for activity in Wales, and hence the principles outlined in that document should be followed for all outdoor activity (please refer to ‘The Way Forward’ guidance here). 
  • The law in Wales also requires that clubs and groups have a COVID Officer who has completed the WSA COVID awareness training.  This person should either be present or is responsible for ensuring those delivering activities follow COVID procedures (including protocols to collect and store the details of all participants for track and trace and a risk assessment that covers COVID is in place for all activities, you can find an example Risk Assessment here.
  • Facility guidelines on numbers, appropriate supervision by adults and leader or coach ratios must always be adhered to and may affect the numbers allowed.
  • Informal riding (i.e., groups of friends meeting to ride together) will be limited to 30 people.
  • Following advice from the WSA, group activities will now be permitted where riders are two abreast, as outlined in The Way Forward.  Though participants are advised to stay beside the same rider for as much of the ride as possible.
  • When stopping at cafes or other stops (including before or after the ride), 2m social distancing and track-and-trace measures will apply.

For more detailed guidance on how to resume activity, please refer to British Cycling’s ‘The Way Forward’ guidance, which can be found here.

For details of the WSA COVID awareness training, click here (please note that our clubs, groups, members and volunteers get a reduced fee for this training).

Click here to find a template risk assessment that can be used for activities.

Essential contacts

Welsh Cycling offices are not on complete lockdown at the moment, but the situation is fluid at the moment. So if you need to contact a member of our team, here are a list of useful contacts who will be able to answer questions.

Chief Executive Officer
Anne Adams-King
01633 274 691 | anne.adams-king@welshcycling.co.uk

Communications & PR Officer
Michael Stokoe
07808 609 266 | michael.stokoe@welshcycling.co.uk/>

Finance & Office Manager
Beverley Kibble | finance@welshcycling.co.uk

Commercial & Partnership Manager
Mark Allen
07710 022 666 | mark.allen@welshcycling.co.uk

Events Officer
Rhys James | 07934 854 599 | events.officer@welshcycling.co.uk

Director of Performance
Matt Cosgrove | 07714 499618

Head Coach
Darren Tudor | 07515 606619

Useful Information

Welsh Cycling Staff Contact details - Working from home

UK Government 

Welsh Government 

Public Health Wales

To protect yourself and other people:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work
  • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
  • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

Please follow all the guidance on how to avoid catching and spreading the virus, your health is first and foremost.

Welsh Cycling will continue to monitor the situation and will be communicating any relevant COVID-19 updates to our membership through our Facebook and Twitter channels.