2011 Cycle Speedway World Cup

2011 Cycle Speedway World Cup

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image: Andy Whitehouse


USA, Poland and Australia release squad details


Edenton cycle speedway supremo, Brian White, has spoken to ICSF secretary Dave Murphy about plans for the World Championships in North Carolina this coming Easter.

The ICSF and Edenton are planning a formal press release in the coming days I can take this opportunity to answer a few 'Frequently asked questions' for the benefit of website readers as follows:


The Edenton track has concrete starting grid and an upright starting gate is currently under construction in readiness for the Championships. The inside boundary of the track is concrete while the outside line will be defined by an elevated grass boundary with a clear white line. There will be a solid safety fence around the whole circuit, set back from boundary to meet International regulations.


Significant spectator seating will be available, with a seating construction being relocated from the larger US-style track to the Internation track - (Dave Murphy has asked Edenton to provide photos and details of track dimensions which he will publish in the near future).


Mobile track-side catering is being arranged to ensure that all riders and spectators are able to access food & beverage during each day of racing.

Rider Entries

The USA will be represented by at least 15 riders at the championships, but these will mostly be juniors. Edenton's best 3 riders are within the 15-17 age category with most being Under 14 so, with this in mind, the ICSF will consider staging an U15's event during the Championships - although it should be stressed that this will NOT be an official World Title.

Women's Racing

Unfortunately the Women's racing scene has collapsed, at Edenton, with all previous female competitors having retired. There has also been a void in entries from Australia and GB, so the Womans World Championship looks in doubt unless interest picks up significantly.

Sponsorship for 2011 Worlds

Edenton cycle speedway has already signed and sealed a number of local sponsorships to fund the event, with additional revenue to be generated from provision of souvenir T-shirts and baseball caps. Also, via their contacts, the Edenton club are currently in negotiation will a well known 'Global brand' to try and capture sponsorship that, although not financially significant, could provide the Championships with a great boost and increased credibility.....watch this space for any developments.

Travel & Accommodation for Edenton trip

British based riders should be reminded that the BCF has nominated Ian Brown and Bob Prince as 'Tour Directors' and riders should contact them to discuss Travel and accommodation with a view to ensure that the GB representation (where possible) travels as a group.

Pete Barnes is coordinating Flight arrangements via Worldspan travel (as publicised in Spokesman) and he is also working with Brian White to coordinate Hotels and airport transfers etc in the US. Pete will therefore work closely with Ian and Bob.

Other News

The Edenton club are looking to potentially recruit some experienced BMX racers from the region (e.g. such as from Elizabeth City), to provide senior representation for USA and potentially unearth some previously un-tapped cycle speedway resource.

Also: Edenton would also like to utilise a 'rest day' to take some overseas riders to compete in Gates County (which is the next county from Edenton) where the local community are looking to build a cycle speedway track - racing will be on a clay surface, cut out on a local parkland, with promotion of the sport being the prime objective.