Out Velo

West Midlands''

Club Information

Club type: Club
Affiliated: 31/12/2024
Affilation status: Active

Total club members: 210

About our club

Out Velo is an inclusive road cycling club for the LGBTQ+ community, friends and allies. We're active right across the UK.

We ride together through the wilder spaces of Britain and Europe. We run weekends and day rides right across the UK, organise amazing adventures abroad, and meet online in Zwift.

I am a member of this club


Club Website

No Map


How to join our club

This club has not yet setup online purchasing of club membership subscriptions.


We are open to

Adults (over 16)
Female Cyclists
Male Cyclists
Intermediate riders (1-3 hrs)
Advanced riders (rides 3hr+)

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free