Eastern Cyclo-Cross Association

Eastern | MALDON

League Information

League type: League
Affiliated: 31/12/2025
Affilation status: Active

Total league members: 385

About our league

The Eastern Cyclo-Cross Association provides opportunities to race Cyclo-cross from September to February through the Cyclo-cross league for the Eastern region. If you wish to be part of this Association/League and earn League points you will also need to be a British Cycling Member.

Be aware that your league membership runs from the date you join until the end of the season, which is usually in January or February.

Please carefully read the descriptions for each of the league subscriptions to make sure you join the right category, as the minimum age for each category has been lowered to allow for people whose birthday comes after the date they join the league. Your age on the 31st December 2024 is what determines your category. If you are unsure, check your BC membership card.

Please direct League membership enquires to membership@easterncross.org.uk.

More information can be found on our website.


League contact: Mr Paul Moss
Email: Email the club

League Website

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How to join our league

This league has not yet setup online purchasing of league membership subscriptions.


What we do

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free