Coaching to racing sessions for women

Coaching to racing sessions for women


If you’re thinking about trying road or circuit racing this year, give yourself a skills boost with fun and friendly coaching well away from traffic.

Join British Cycling coaches to build your skill and confidence in race and riding techniques like cornering, sprinting and riding closely in a group. Each of the sessions is women-only, providing a great opportunity to get to know female riders from your area and line up together for your first race experience.

The course is open to women over the age of 16. All abilities are welcome, as the coach will tailor activities to the needs of the group. So if you have a particular skill you want to master or a cycling demon to banish, let the coach know when you book.

Together the group will develop race technique and confidence, with the aim of taking part in an entry-level race series.

Sara's racing story: "How coaching helped me find my fearless"

Next sessions

We're not running any sessions at the moment, but there may be other groups nearby who are or you could reach out to your local club for support and a guide to what's on.

Alternatively, why not think about working with a coach to improve your riding ahead of a race?