NTC 25



Facility development and management is a critical component of providing opportunities for cycling, from recreation to elite performance.

A number of disciplines cannot happen without specific facilities (for example BMX/track) and others rely on the goodwill and continued support of landowners to allow access (for example MTB/cyclo-cross).

Part of our role as the National Governing Body is providing the knowledge base to lead the sport and champion the development of appropriate facilities - helping to deliver the right cycling infrastructure, including purpose-built cycle ‘sport’ facilities, that are accessible, high quality and affordable to all.

British Cycling’s work to support this vision for cycling facilities covers two main areas:

Capital funding for cycling facilities

As public interest and participation in cycling grows, so too must dedicated physical spaces to support it. Dedicated cycling facilities provide safe, traffic-free environments for any cyclist of any ability to participate, train and compete.

British Cycling is working closely with Sport England, local authorities and major landowners to develop a national network of new cycling facilities designed to address local demand.

British Cycling’s Places to Ride capital investment programme is currently in an evaluation phase and we are looking forward to sharing the Places to Ride interim report in Spring 2024. If you have any questions regarding British Cycling’s Places to Ride programme, then please get in touch at PlacestoRide@britishcycling.org.uk.

General technical and facility advice

British Cycling, working alongside Sport England and other industry partners, has extensive experience in producing design guidance notes (DGNs) and discussion documents for the development of new and improved facilities. These designs are regularly reviewed to ensure that the latest innovations are captured in support of new projects being planned.

If you have a design queries, require any advice on current facilities or have ambitions for future facility developments, then please get in touch with the facilities team via facilities@britishcycling.org.uk and they will be happy to assist where appropriate.

If you are planning work on a facility, please ensure only appropriately qualified contractors are used, with good knowledge of relevant standards and guidelines.

Whilst British Cycling is not able to provide project-specific design or technical advice, the Facilities team will:

  • Help organisations planning new or refurbishing existing cycling facilities to articulate their cycling development requirements, enabling them to develop a cycling facility based on a robust needs and evidence base.  This will ensure the right cycling facility is developed to meet demand and that it is sustainable.
  • Support stakeholders to articulate a logical step-by-step process that will lead to the development of a clear Statement of Requirements for the cycling facility based on the needs of users and sport development outcomes. This Statement of Requirements can then be handed on to the design team to develop a design brief and take forward the detailed design.
  • Provide technical design guidance for each type of purpose-built cycling facility which addresses the critical factors that need to be considered for a particular project.

Managing activity

It is vitally important that facilities are managed in a way which promotes safe and enjoyable cycling for everybody involved. Having comprehensive risk assessments and mitigation measures in place for identified risks, is part of this process. There are resources available from British Cycling to help you with this:

Useful Documents

It is important to be aware of and action the wider operating obligations associated with facilities – guidance to help in this regard is available from Sport England and via the Health & Safety Executive:

Sport England Club Matters

HSE guidance and links to further sector guidance:

HSE Basics

HSE Useful Links

Affiliated clubs receive some insurance cover from British Cycling – as a reminder, the extent of this cover is articulated in the notes on our website:

Club Insurance 

Clubs managing facilities should also consider their governance and, in particular, whether or not they are incorporated. If you are not set up as a company then the committee will be subject to personal liability, which can be avoided. If you are unsure then we would suggest taking specific legal advice.

Sport England Club Matters


For any queries regarding facilities, please feel free to contact the facilities team

All of the advice on this website and associated documentation is generic and does not apply to your specific circumstances. As such, for the avoidance of doubt, British Cycling is not accepting any legal liability for your facility, which would remain with the operator/owner under common law and the Occupiers Liability Act.