Dalby: Ready To Launch

Dalby: Ready To Launch

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Dalby: Ready To Launch

Official Dalby World Cup Website
Posted March 17 2010

With just six weeks to go until the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup hits Dalby for the opening round of the cross country competition, we take a look at the final touches that are being made behind the scenes, which will make this the World's best dirty weekend.

With tickets now on sale, entries for the Dalby Dare available and the mountain bike press buzzing with anticipation over England's first World Cup in a decade, preparations have reached their absolute pinnacle for the what is set to be an historic weekend, redefining British Cycling's impression on and commitment to Olympic mountain biking.

Already, the top UK mountain bike magazines have been focussed on the event. The latest issue of MBUK features Oli Beckingsale hitting Worry Gill on the front cover, with a six-page course ride inside, including expert insight from both Oli, Nick Craig and MBUK's most prolific writer; Doddy.


Last month MBR ran an interview with Oli, Nick and Simon Burney - three instrumental figures in UK mountain biking - and the magazine returns to ride the course with Olympic Development Programme rider Steve James, for the issue on sale in early April.

Alongside this, British Cycling's graphic designer has been working tirelessly to produce branding and advertising for the event, which is appearing in all major cycling media and on the course itself.


As always, for the latest information be sure to check the official event website regularly, along with our Facebook and Twitter pages.

With the course build complete, attention now turns to the spectator walkways and main arena where hardstanding surfaces and viewing platforms replace damp fields.

Not only will this process ensure a great weekend experience, it also goes some way to ensuring the legacy of Dalby as a World-class venue for mountain biking. What's more is that alongside Dalby and as part of a million-pound investment by British Cycling, Yorkshire Forward and the Forestry Commission another separate XC race location within Yorkshire will be created.

Adderstone Field is currently undergoing works for the Expo arena creation

Right now, tenders from various potential venues have been received and will be analysed over the coming weeks. After a suitable candidate has been chosen work will begin to build another sustainable XC race course which will be of National and International standard, to sit alongside the proposed six satellite Go-Ride locations, which will prove instrumental when encouraging local schools to take part in events delivered by a full-time, local Go-Ride coach.

With the waymarked World Cup course due to open on Easter weekend, course maps of both the cross country and the Pro Sprint Eliminator courses have been published.

After a winter of unprecedented snow, the course development was slightly behind schedule. However, building work is now complete with all fallen trees clear of the main trail, new technical features added, an extended Medusa's Drop and scarier Worry Gill.

British XC racers are already preparing for the opening round of the World Cup as the British Cross Country Series starts on March 28. With UCI status, it represents one of the final chances for domestic riders to get some points on the board for an improved gridding. If you want to get a taste of XC racing at its finest before the World Cup, then get yourself down to Sherwood Pines for round one of the British XC Series. You'll get all the details in our official event preview, right here on British Cycling Online.