Go-Ride clubs invited to find out more about the new Welsh Cycling Skills award

Go-Ride clubs invited to find out more about the new Welsh Cycling Skills award


We understand how difficult it can be to think outside the box with running youth sessions during these times, and that the opportunity to chat and share ideas with similar clubs is now non-existent due to the COVID pandemic.

During these challenging times, there are clubs out there who are doing great work and it would be fantastic to share these stories and good practices so that Go-Ride clubs can learn from each other and take these tips back to develop their club.

We are hosting a webinar via ZOOM on the 8th February to bring clubs together to share the good practices from clubs across Wales. The first half of the webinar will also be an opportunity for Go-Ride coaches to take a sneak preview of our NEW Skills Award (soon to be officially released) and for you to have your say and feedback to us any suggestions you might have on the new award before its release and official launch.


Webinar Details:

Date: 8th February, 7PM-8:30PM


  • New Skills Award Preview (30 minutes)
  • Sharing of good practices (short 10minutes per session with opportunity for discussions and Q&A):

-          Venue Usage: Thinking outside the box

-          Away days at the races

-          Keeping older youths engaged with club rides, Tim Matthews, HSBC UK Go-Ride Coach.

To take advantage of this free webinar, please sign up here