
As the largest cycling membership organisation in Scotland, we work to create a network of progressive, safe and inclusive clubs, supporting the development of a diverse cycle sport community. 

Within this section you will find links to a range of services and support that we offer to our affiliated clubs. Most notably our Club Development Team are ready to receive your call or email.

Affiliate your Club to Scottish Cycling

Full information about the 2023 Club Affiliation process can be found

Minimum Operating Standards

Scottish Cycling has introduced Minimum Operating Standards (MOS) for clubs. The MOS have been introduced to ensure that we can work with clubs to ensure that you have all the correct policies and procedures in place – protecting both you and your members.

We recognise that not all clubs operate in the same way, and cater to different audiences, so we have reflected this in the standards, so that the expectation of what clubs need to do is appropriate to what your club does.

Scottish Cycling is here to support you and your club in meeting these standards.

Whilst many clubs are already operating at or close to these standards, they provide a helpful checklist to ensure that members, clubs and Scottish Cycling have confidence that the minimum standards are being consistently met across the sport in Scotland. For some this will represent a mere formalisation of existing processes and standards. For others that do not yet meet these standards, Scottish Cycling will actively support you in putting the standards in place.

We want to make it as easy as possible for clubs to meet the standards, so we have provided a range of templates and guides for each standard so that clubs have all the resources required.

All resources required to ensure compliance with the standards can be found on our website here.

If you have any queries regarding Minimum Operating Standards, please get in touch with your region’s Club Development Coordinator.

Setting up a new Club

Scottish Cycling supports a network of around 180 clubs, providing safe, accessible and inclusive environments, where everyone can grow and thrive.

If you are looking to set up a new club, then please contact and we will send you a step-by-step start up guide.

It is also good to talk this through, so feel free to arrange a good time to call, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Club Development Framework

We have created a framework to guide the development of our clubs. If you are interested in developing and growing your club, then the framework is a great place to start. It provides a flexible pathway for clubs to progress and is resourced by an extensive collection of templates, guides and supported by staff that will help facilitate the journey.

The framework can be accessed here. If you identify areas where your club might need some help, then please get in touch to talk about the most suitable resources and guides for you. We are currently creating an online platform to facilitate club development; this will be released in 2021 so please check back for information.

Find a Club

Joining a club is a great way to get the most out of your cycling and we are here to connect you! Whether you are a seasoned racer or fairly new to the sport, there is nothing better than riding with like-minded cyclists to develop your skills and challenge yourself. Find your nearest club here:

If you would like to find a club to join, then click here to locate a club near you.


Fraser Johnston

Project Lead - Cycling World Championships & Club Development


Jamie Taylor

Club Development Manager (Children & Young People)


Julie Erskine

Club Development Coordinator (Diversity & Growth)


Ewan McArthur

Club Development Coordinator (West & North-East Grampian)


Kate Jackson

Club Development Coordinator (East & Central & South-West)


Neil Wilson

Club Development Coordinator (North)


Ruth Wright

Club Development Coordinator (North-East Tayside & Fife)
