Volunteers Week 2022

Volunteers Week 2022


Cycling benefits massively from the work of over 13,500 volunteers and British Cycling would like to say a huge thank you!

Volunteers play a huge role in the extraordinary growth cycling has seen in recent years, and in the success we continue to enjoy at an elite level. Quite simply, it wouldn't be possible without them.

British Cycling's National Volunteer Manager, Colin Walker, said "we’d like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to all of our members who commit their time to volunteer to support cycling, whether that’s as coaches, club officials, accredited marshals, commissaires, ride leaders, event organisers, or any other role that makes our sport happen. Over the coming days, we’re going to use our social media channels to shine a light on some of those volunteers, so people can learn more about what they do and the difference that they make."

If you’ve ever wanted to know more about what volunteering involves, the different ways you can volunteer, and how you can get into it, then you can find everything you need to know here:

Volunteering with British Cycling

You can also read about some amazing stories in cycling via Volunteers in Focus - our monthly celebration of volunteers and their impact.

Volunteers In Focus: 2021

Please share your stories from your club, group, school or orgainsation and the impact your volunteers make. Please do share on social media and include @BritishCycling @BCCoaches (Twitter) #VolunteersWeek and #CyclingSaysThanks