British Cycling Regional AGM Details


Each of the British Cycling Regions is currently preparing for its AGM. These AGM’s enable Regional officials to be elected, as well as local Propositions for the November National Council meeting to be formally constructed. Regional AGM’s also provide an opportunity for each affiliated club to comment upon local initiatives, to comment upon the local competition programme, or to ask about the latest development of Regional cycling facilities.

Details of each AGM are primarily sent to the secretaries of affiliated clubs for onward circulation within that club.  Where available, the details of these AGM’s are included here to ensure the widest circulation possible and to enable as many clubs as possible to attend their Regional AGM. The Regional AGM’s are open to all local members of the British Cycling Federation, though the number of votes for each club are determined by your BC membership numbers as follows: up to 9 members = 1 delegate, 10 to 24 = 2 delegates, 25-39 = 3 delegates, 40-54 = 4 delegates, 55+ = 5 delegates.

It is hoped as many local members as possible will support their Regional AGM and anyone requiring more information or wishing to talk through any point in advance of a submission, should contact their Regional Secretary direct at the details below.

North East Region
Monday 14th September at the Maiden Castle Sports Centre, Durham DH1 3SE: start 7.00pm. Date fixing meeting, followed by AGM. Any items for the agenda to Regional Secretary. Contact Aidan MacDermott : 07811 006489, or

North West Region
Monday 28th September at the National Cycling Centre, Manchester in the Boardroom : start 7.30pm.
Contact Carole Leigh : 0161 748 2733, or

East Midlands Region
7.00pm Thursday 24th September 2009, Winthorpe Comunity Centre Near Newark. Winthorpe is located north of Newark. Turn left from A46 onto A1133, and then take left turn to Winthorpe. In Winthorpe turn right into road called Woodlands. Community Centre is at the end of this road.

Nominations for region board. Proposals & nominations for National council. Items for the agenda Should be sent in writing or email through club secretaries by 17th September 2009 to Steve Parsons, 25 Hartshead Avenue, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 8AG. Email to -- Clubs are asked to let Steve know their delegates who will be coming to the meeting.

West Midlands Region
Monday 21st September at the Land Rover Social Club, off Billsmore Green, Rowood Drive, Lode Lane, Solihull, B92 9LN: start 7.30pm.
Contact Richard Lodge : 01564 230112, or

South West Region
Thursday 24th September at The Tedburn St Mary Football Club : start 7.30pm.
Contact Ken Robertson : 01803 525573, or

South Region
Saturday 26 September 2009 at the Five Rivers Leisure Centre, Hulse Road, SALISBURY, Wilts SP1 3NR : start 2.00pm Contact Gerry Gray : 01202 849144 / 07852 167475, or

Yorkshire Region
22nd September  7.30 pm; Bishopgarth; Wakefield
Keith Scott  Gen.Sec. British Cycling Yorkshire

Other Regions information will be added when available.  Alternatively contact your Regional Secretary direct.  Details are available here