Maindy Flyers to host the Welsh Cycling Youth Team and U12 Omnium Championships

Maindy Flyers to host the Welsh Cycling Youth Team and U12 Omnium Championships


Welsh Cycling Youth Team Championships heading for Cardiff in June

On the 24th of June Maindy Flyers Youth Cycling Club will once again be hosting a day of racing for Youth aged riders at the Maindy Centre.

The races will incorporate the Welsh Youth Team Track Championships for Under 14 and 16 year old riders to compete in Team sprint and Team pursuit races to crown our new champions as well as the Welsh Youth C Omnium Championships for Under 12’s as well as a host of support races for the Under 8 and Under 10’s.

The event remains open to all riders, though the titles can only be awarded to those who meet the eligibility criteria as outlined in Welsh Cycling’s By Laws.

The Event offers young riders to complete on the track that played home to many of our commonwealth games heroes from their younger years at Maindy.

Entry remains open until Friday with spaces still available in all categories.

Find out more and enter here

Youth Team Track Championships

Youth C omnium and support Races