Chairman and Vice Chairman Appointed at Welsh Cycling Board Meeting

Chairman and Vice Chairman Appointed at Welsh Cycling Board Meeting


The meeting which took place on 8th November at Sport Wales, saw the re-election by the Board of Nick Smith as Chairman and Chris Landon as Vice Chairman.

Additionally, the British Cycling’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday 18th November saw the re-appointment of Nick Smith to the British Cycling board, as the newly created nominated Welsh Cycling Director .

Welsh Cycling Chief Executive Officer Anne Adams-King said: “I am pleased to offer warm congratulations to both Nick and Chris, who have dedicated their time to our organisation for many consecutive years.

“I look forward to continuing to work with them to further improve cycling across Wales”.

The Welsh Cycling board meeting also approved a proposal from volunteer coordinator Maxine Rhodes, around a pilot web-based volunteer database, to help the way that volunteers engage and communicate with Welsh Cycling and our events.

The pilot will take place between December and May with a group of volunteers from HSBC and with a group of workforce volunteers, to test the system in a controlled environment with the aim of improving our relationships and communication with volunteers in the future.

Other discussions included the upcoming membership perception survey to gage thoughts from our stakeholders. Members are asked to keep an eye out during December for the opportunity to feedback to Welsh Cycling.

The next Welsh Cycling Board Meeting will take place in December.