"Dirty look from an old cow"

"Dirty look from an old cow"


"Dirty look from an old cow"

It wasn't the only one I got today either. I've decided that Ayrshire Cows don't like cyclists. There are 2 reasons. 1. They don't like the way I cruise up to them quietly. 2. I don't think they've seen a cyclist before! (This can change, find out when a Skyride is visiting you on this page!) This breed of cattle is known for its temperament - it was tested today. At one point, I nearly apologised to a medium to large sized cow for interrupting his grass brunch. It's not my fault, this is the only through road. Fatigue can have some odd effects!

What an amazing route. Fast flowing streams, old bridges, untouched beauty. The air as fresh as I've ever experienced. It was like being in a Lenor advert. It was a pleasure to be cycling through it. Probably Oli's low point of the trip, he wanted to be on 2 wheels, not in 4.

Gethin's Skyride Challenge

I passed through a place called Sanquhar. There were blue and white banners overhead, the same colour as the 'Skyride' logo. Did the Sky team forget to tell me something?! I was on a mission, so I didn't stop to find out unfortunately.

Gethin's Skyride Challenge

I was pumped today for some reason. The devil in my head was screaming at me to race up every hill and break my record for the fastest time coming down it. No chance of the latter today, the headwind was still with me - really demoralising! I probably touched 30mph on no more than a few occasions, and that was only achieved by pedalling like a demon!

Gethin's Skyride Challenge

Just over 40 miles to go then. I have to be at Glasgow's Town Hall by 11am. I'm off for lunch now, beef?

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