Scottish Cycling Club Affiliation 2024 Information

Scottish Cycling Club Affiliation 2024 Information


Club Affiliation 2024 - What you need to know!

Club Affiliation for 2024 as with previous years will be administered via our Club Management System, ClubServe.


Key Dates 

  • Monday 2nd October - Affiliation goes live for 2024
  • Monday 11th December - Last opportunity to submit affiliation for approval pre Christmas*
  • Monday 15th January - Last day to recieve the £25 discount on the affiliation fee

Getting started 

On Monday 2nd October, your Club Development Coordinator will be in touch to provide the link to complete your affiliation form. All communication this year will come directly from your Club Development Coordinator, providing you with a singular point of contact regarding your affiliation. Please note however, while the majority of the communication will be with the Club Secretary, some communication may take place with your Club’s Wellbeing and Protection Officer if there are any outstanding queries in this area.

Your Club Development Coordinator is as follows:

East & Central:


North-East (Grampian):

North-East (Tayside & Fife):

West & Ayrshire:


If you require any clarification on which region your club is in, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

If your club affiliated to Scottish Cycling in 2023, then you demonstrated compliance with our Minimum Operating Standards in 2023, which means we require less information from you this year.

Please be prepared to provide the following information as part of this years affiliation:

  • Name, Email Address, Phone Number and BC Number for your Club Secretary, Chair and Treasurer, and Wellbeing and Protection Officer (if applicable)
  • An address for correspondence 
  • Locations where your club meets for rides/training, and what activity starts/takes place here (if this has changed since 2023)
  • If your legal status or constitution has changed within the last year, we will ask you to provide and upload an update of these
  • Provide the date of your last AGM
  • Provide any updated details on your Wellbeing and Protection Officer if they have changed role, and ensure that they have undertaken the requisite training: CWPS, CWPO and completed a Secondary Contract
  • Upload images of your club kit if it has changed in the last year
  • Provide a breakdown of your Club Membership across the following age categories: Under 12, Under 14/16, Under 18 and Adults
  • The number/gender split of people on your committee

If your club has Active Coaches/MTB/Ride Leaders/Activity Helpers who work with Children and/or Protected Adults, your Club Development Coordinator will be in touch following receipt of your affiliation application to verify that they all meet the required standards as outlined here.

We've created a step-by-step guide to this years affiliation form for clubs who affiliated last year, and you can find it here.

Payment will be taken at the point of affiliation, however, please note your affiliation is not active until you receive an email confirming it has been approved.

Affiliation fees for 2024 have been frozen and are as follows:

  • Standard Club (£98) - £25 discount if submitted before 15th January
  • Commercial Club (£194) - £50 discount if submitted before 15th January
  • Sponsors are £68 each for the first four, and then free thereafter. Sponsors for Youth Cycling (Go-Ride) are free.
  • A £1 transaction fee is applied to all applications.

All applications submitted by the 11th December will be approved, as long as the form is complete and the standards have been met. Apply early to ensure that your affiliation will be active for 20234, allowing your club to get underway with your activities from the start of the year.

If your affiliation is not submitted by the above date, your club will no longer have insurance from the 1st January to cover your activities.

My club didn't affiliate in 2023, what do I do?

Our Club Affiliation form this year provides two pathways, one for clubs who affiliated in 2022, and one for those who didn't. If you're affiliating for the first time, or for the first time in a few years, you'll need to demonstrate compliance with our Minimum Operating Standards. You can find more information about these here. Your Club Development Coordinator is on hand to guide you through this process and to ensure that your club can continue to provide a safe and inclusive environment for cycling activity. 

We've created a step-by-step guide to this years affiliation form for clubs who didn't affiliate last year, and you can find it here


We are here to support your club through the affiliation process, so if there is anything we can do to support your club in advance of, and through this years process, please get in touch.