Entries Close Today - WXCRL Dorset Tour 2009

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Entries Close Today - WXCRL Dorset Tour 2009

19 August 2009

The organiser of the WXCRL Dorset Tour has been in touch - he has 72 entries so far and is looking for 8 more to make a full field of 80, but riders will have to be quick because online entry closes Wednesday 19th at midnight. Riders will need to be WXCRL members, but if they're not they can join (£10) and enter this race (£60 - BC licence holders) online on Entryweb. Plenty of BC and WXCRL (league) points available.

It's the flagship race in the 2009 WXCRL calendar, back after an absence of 3 years. Full event details are here. For any enquiries the organiser can be contacted on 07766652756 or mark@entryweb.co.uk. The WXCRL now has over 250 members. WXCRL points mean prizes dished out at the end of the year, WXCRL points are available on stages and for the overall GC depending on which is greater. Bundles of BC points are also there for the taking and are cumulative so a great opportunity to top up!

The WXCRL and Dorset Tour is supported by Entryweb, QinetiQ, Fitness First, Bikefood, Yves Bertelin, Prendas with service for the race by Performance Cycles.

The Race

Stage 1 - Sat - TT - Whiteways TT, Start 09.00
Stage 2 - Sat - RR - Stokeford Circuit RR, Start 13.30
Stage 3 - Sun - RR - Lulworth Castle Circuit RR, Start 10.00
Stage 4 - Mon - RR - Lawrence of Arabia Circuit, Start 10.00

Full course route Map

3 leaders Jersey's/competitions

Yellow - Leader
Red - Sprinter
White - Under 23

Enter Here - https://www.entryweb.co.uk/event.asp?id=239