Club Volunteer Workshop:  Go-Ride Conferences 2015

Club Volunteer Workshop: Go-Ride Conferences 2015


Club volunteers attending the 2015 Go-Ride conferences this February and March will have the opportunity to meet with other volunteers, discuss best practice and share top tips.

The conferences take place across the country and are free for club volunteers at Go-Ride Clubs if they are British Cycling members.

This year’s club volunteer workshops at the conferences will focus on developing Go-Ride Clubs for and with young people and will also provide an opportunity to think about volunteer recruitment in your Go-Ride Club.

Youth action

The morning session will take a practical approach to the issue of youth action, exploring ways in which young people can be involved in the decision-making process in Go-Ride Clubs to ensure sessions are kept fun, engaging and relevant to the riders.

The workshop will include the opportunity for delegates to identify to what extent they believe their club already engages with youth action and how they can move up the ‘ladder of participation,’ providing simple ideas about how to ensure clubs are involving, valuing and benefiting from their younger members.

Volunteer recruitment

The afternoon workshop will focus on volunteer recruitment; analysing how your club could use additional volunteers and provide practical tips and ideas on how to attract new volunteers in order to ensure clubs are sustainable.

Book your place

To book your place, download the conference invitation and return the completed form to the Go-Ride team to secure your place, either by email or post.

Alternatively, click on the relevant link below to book online:

Find out more about the 2015 Go-Ride Conferences.

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please get in touch with the Go-Ride team on 0161 274 2070 or


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