National Schools of Racing: Road at Mallory Park

National Schools of Racing: Road at Mallory Park

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National Schools of Racing: Road at Mallory Park

Event date: 30 July 2009

Mallory Park  in Leicestershire is to host a National Schools of Racing (NSR) Road session on 30 July 2009.

Due to increasing safety issues around, circuit use, level of session to experience of rider and over subscription,  organiser Tim Buckle and his team are having tighten up the criteria as to who is eligible for the sessions. For 2009 they are going to allow a maximum of 100 subscriptions and as with other years these will be taken from email applications only. As soon as they have 100 suitable applications, entry will close.

With your application you must be able to prove:

  • You are in the U14 or U16 category. (U14's - born 1995/96, U16's - born 1993/94)
  • Regularly racing at a regional and or national level.
  • Evidence of participation in Go-Ride club or holiday scheme or BC or British Triathlon GROUP coaching sessions.
  • Over the last few years we have had increasing numbers of riders who are complete novice and dropping these riders into sessions as technically testing and run off at the speeds we expect has caused safety issues for those riders and the riders around them and has also been a very negative experience for young riders who are just buying into our mega sport. Our main objective is to create a real fun learning experience not demotivate and injure.
  • If you feel this rules you out of the NSR, we advocate that you should be looking to take part in some local club activity or Go-Ride holiday sessions and then move on to some low level regional racing. Together with our Go-Ride colleagues we can steer you in the right direction. Follow the link to find your closest Go-ride contact Regional-Development-Staff - realistically we are looking at sessions working with bunches of 100+ racing cyclists at speeds over 50 kilometres an hour so some prior coaching and racing activity is a must.

Applications need to be emailed to Phil West - by 24.7.09.

Download Application Form

From this you will receive a parental consent form and session details. No applications will be accepted after this time.

If you are a coach who is actively delivering youth sessions and in reading this feel like you would like to receive the session objectives and plans please contact us and we can pass them on. The sessions will be open to coaches wishing to observe and time will be given post session to take Q and A on what we did and why.

The session will be road only and riders should be on their current youth racing gear restrictions (U14 - 6.45m, 46x15. U16 - 6.93m 52x16 or 46 x14)

We'd also like to re-iterate that this session is about developing young bike riders within the sport and moving them forward with their cycling. Being involved on this session does not in anyway constitute a selection process or selection onto a program for the riders taking part.


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