Winter Membership Campaign

Go-Ride - Key Info

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Go-Ride: Key Information

Go-Ride is British Cycling's Club Development Programme aimed at improving both young riders and clubs. It focuses on volunteers and young members - improving coaching standards and increasing the number of young riders with access to coaching activities.

Here are links to key information about the Go-Ride Programme:

What is Go-Ride? - What is the Go-Ride Programme?
Go-Ride for Clubs - What does Go-Ride offer Clubs?
Go-Ride for Schools - What does Go-Ride offer Schools
Go-Ride and Clubmark - A clubs' accreditation programme
Info for Parents - Essential information for parents
Downloads - Dozens of useful files for clubs, schools and parents
Where to Go-Ride - Find a Go-Ride club near you!
Contact Us - All the contacts in the Go-Ride programme

Holiday Coaching Programmes - Holiday coaching and riding opportunites for young people


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