Commute: Love your bike

Commute: Love your bike


How to commute by bike and do it on the one you've got.

Would be bike commuters flicking through bike magazines, browsing the cycling websites or visiting bike shops would be forgiven for thinking that in order to survive the mean streets you need a specialised commuting bike, built from the ground up to take on the rigours of the daily grind (or other such clichés).

While it's true that there are some truly excellent dedicated commuter bikes out there (and of course there's nothing wrong with treating yourself to nice shiny things) it's also a fact that for the vast majority of commutes, the bike you've already got will do the job, with perhaps a few nips and tucks here and there:

Why love the one you're with? For starters, one of the primary motivations for commuting by bike is to save money, so why start by splashing out hundreds of quid when you've got a bike already? Also, using that bike you've got is the green alternative. As much as environmental sensibilities would have us think that our bikes are constructed by diligent elves in small, rural workshops, the sad fact is that they're not. They're built in big dirty factories, often thousands of miles away. Think of your carbon footprint and love the one you're with.

Mountain Bike Owners - your bike is already a useful piece of kit for the daily commute. To make it better, swap the knobbly tires out for some puncture proof road friendly treads and get some clip on mudguards to keep the road spray of your office duds.

Road Bike Owners - Your tyres, whilst slick and speedy, are probably a wee bit puncture prone for glass strewn city streets. Fortunately you can get commuter friendly puncture proof tyres in 700x25 sizes, which will fit the vast majority of road bikes. Add a set of clip on mudguards and you're off...

Hybrid/Roadster Owners - You lucky're lucky, your bikes are pretty much ideal for daily duty from stock. Many hybrids come fully equipped with racks and mudguards and those that don't will have the required tyre/frame clearance and attachment points to make ‘commutifying' a cinch.

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