If you liked the Wild Edric then you'll love the Wiggle Shropshire Mynd

If you liked the Wild Edric then you'll love the Wiggle Shropshire Mynd


Event: 15 September 2013
Location: Shrewsbury
Preview: KILO TO GO

KILO TO GO, organisers of the Wiggle Shropshire Mynd, are justifiably excited about their latest addition to the series and we are too. KILO TO GO's Wild Edric, , was a class act and we see no reason why the new event, which uses familiar Shropshire terrain, shouldn't be a rip-roaring success too. Simon Thomson from KILO TO GO gives us the lowdown on their reworked Shropshire-based challenge, which includes a whopping 14 mile climb!

Shropshire – It’s called the secret county because it’s full of scenic gems and known for being off the beaten track. But it’s no secret to us having run our ‘Wild Edric’ sportive here before. In fact we use much of the old route. It’ll look and feel completely different because Wiggle Shropshire Mynd travels in a clockwise direction. The routes criss-cross the English / Welsh border so riders have the opportunity of climbing both Long Mynd (in England) and Long Mountain (in Wales). Kerry Hill features on the long route which is so long (14 miles) it rides almost like a typical European climb. The area is also steeped in history with fierce battles and the infamous 177 mile Offa’s Dyke which the route follows as you head towards Long Mountain.

No registration queue on the day

Register for our event online, and we’ll send your ‘Ticket To Ride’ pack to your postal address. Then just come straight to the start line having already received your rider number and timing sticker.

How to enter one of our sportives

Using your PC, smart phone or tablet and browse to www.kilotogo.com or www.wiggle.co.uk/kilo-to-go for device enhanced reading!

Why you must ride ‘Wiggle Shropshire Mynd'! – Being the secret county, Shropshire is quiet but hidden with some fantastic cycling gems! Then throw in the fact that the event rides in the opposite direction to its predecessor Wild Edric, this results in a new ride, with a different set of challenges. The general profile of the event intersperses the climbs with long, fast sections of free flowing cycling where you can relax and get ready for the next climb or up the pace and enjoy the thrill of the ride. The climbs tend to be long and gentle, but we’ve placed a few steeper ones around the route to test your mettle as well – for instance, the climb up Long Mountain which used to be long and gentle, but now steep and short!

Long route comprises of 101 miles with 2,700m of climbing

All routes head out of Shrewsbury Football Club and make their way to Long Mynd - the first of the main climbs. The main climbing starts at around the 12 mile marker and finishing at Robin Hood’s Butt at 15 miles after which it’s fast cycling to the split point. The long route wends it’s way down to Clun (feed station) via some more climbs and then on to Knighton where riders tackle a long 14 mile climb to the top of Kerry Hill. More fast cycling to Montgomery through some picturesque wooded areas before the steepest climb of the day up to the top of Long Mountain before returning back to Shrewsbury.

Short route comprises of 64 miles with 1,400m of climbing

Follows the long route to the split point via the Long Mynd climb and then heads more directly to Montgomery (re-joining the long route) and a feed station before heading up the steep Long Mountain climb before the last chance for a fast paced cycle back to the football club.

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