British Cycling on board with GO 20 coalition

British Cycling on board with GO 20 coalition


British Cycling has joined the GO 20 campaign to reduce speeds and make roads safer for all road users.

GO 20 campaign was launched in November 2012 during Road Safety Week and brought together Brake, Living Streets, Sustrans, Campaign to Protect Rural England, the National Heart Forum and 20’s Plenty for Us.

GO 20 is about delivering safe, happy and active communities through the adoption of the 20mph in urban areas -  one of the key points of British Cycling's Road Safety Manifesto. Lower urban speed limits are proven to lead to fewer road casualties, more walking and cycling, more active, happier communities, less pollution and lower public spending.

Martin Gibbs, Policy and Legal Affairs Director at British Cycling, said “We know from experience both here and abroad that the most effective way of keeping people safe when they’re cycling is lower speed limits. Introducing 20mph limits in all residential and shopping streets would be a tremendously powerful policy tool to get more people cycling more often and would make our cities, towns and villages better places to live.”
