Cycling’s home nation bodies, British Cycling, Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling, have signed a new long-term Collaboration Agreement, building on the previous Memorandum of Understanding between the three organisations.
The agreement, which acts as the foundation and framework to guide the growth and development of the sport of cycling, provides clarity on the structure, roles and responsibilities of each organisation.
By working in a collaborative manner across all areas of business, the organisations seek to maximise the ‘power of three’ principle, developing, implementing and sustaining an overall strategic vision and plan for cycle sport in Britain.
Building on the Memorandum of Understanding previously in place, the Collaboration Agreement highlights the inter-dependencies of the three organisations, and provides the legal framework to support continued partnership working in the years ahead.
On the agreement, British Cycling Independent Chair, Frank Slevin, said:
“Working collaboratively is a key part of our strategy and I’m pleased that we have been able to further deepen our relationships with Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling through the signing of a new Collaboration Agreement. Our organisations already work together closely on a range of areas, from participation and events to the regulations of our sport, and that spirit of collaboration will be more important than ever in the years ahead.
Welsh Cycling Chair, Chris Landon, noted:
“It’s great to get the Collaboration Agreement signed, and shows the intent that British, Scottish and Welsh Cycling have in making sure the home nations improve. However the hard work continues, as it is vital that now, more than ever, we have robust collaborative plans with mutual trust and respect to help activate and develop the huge potential that cycling has across our home nations. I look forward to working closely with Scottish and British Cycling over the coming months and years.”
Scottish Cycling Chair, Martin Cooke, added:
“By providing further clarification of roles and responsibilities, we can ensure that there is no duplication, and more importantly no omissions, around what is done in Manchester for the whole of Great Britain, and what is done in Scotland and Wales respectively. This will not only allow us to further strengthen our working relationships, but also ensure that collectively we can better serve British Cycling members wherever they are.”
British Cycling is the national governing body for the sport in Great Britain, recognised by the UCI, UEC, UK Sport and other relevant international organisations. British Cycling provides the infrastructure for the Great Britain Cycling Team to represent the whole of Great Britain at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, World Championships and European Championships, along with other related events. British Cycling has responsibility for the governance of, and Technical Regulations for, each of the cycling disciplines.
Responsibility for the domestic delivery of events and the growth of the sport across Great Britain is shared between British Cycling, who look after the interests of cycling in England, Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling.
British Cycling, Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling work with their devolved administrations, their respective sports councils (Sport England/Scotland/Wales) and other regional enabling bodies to provide the populations of the respective home countries with opportunities to participate in the activity and sport of cycling in whichever way they choose. These three bodies also give their member clubs the support and guidance they need for their own expansion and development. They also each have their own Commonwealth Games responsibilities.