NTC 25
Charge of Unsporting Conduct in the 2019 British Cycling eRacing Championships statement

Charge of Unsporting Conduct in the 2019 British Cycling eRacing Championships statement

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British Cycling has upheld a charge of Unsporting Conduct in the British Cycling eRacing Championships, under clause 5 of our disciplinary code.

The charge related to manipulation of pre-race data to gain an unfair advantage via in-game equipment by the winner of the event, Cameron Jeffers. Jeffers has accepted a specified sanction of a £250 fine and a six-month suspension from all racing. He has been disqualified from the event and the title has now been awarded to James Phillips.

British Cycling integrity and compliance director Rod Findlay said: “Defending fair play in our competitions is at the core of our responsibilities as a governing body. The fact that we have been able to investigate the offence and uphold the charge reflects the strength of our new disciplinary regulations and our determination to pursue misconduct.”

British Cycling Disciplinary Page