Equality: Welsh Cycling

Equality: Welsh Cycling

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Welsh Cycling is committed to making cycling in Wales more equitable and available to everyone.

Cycling in Wales is historically a white, male dominated sport, and we are committed to changing this demographic and the principal that everyone should be free to participate in cycling, regardless of their background or socio-economic group.  We will endeavour to welcome all into our sport, not least the groups protected under the 2010 equality act (Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Pregnancy & Maternity, Ethnicity, Religion & Belief, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Marriage & Civil Partnership).

Wales has an increasingly diverse population - not all have an equitable representation in cycling. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate at recreational and competitive levels and to progress to an elite level in cycling. Participating in sport improves community relationships and the general health of the population.

Sport Wales and UK Sport have provided all National Governing Bodies with Equality Standards that must be met. Welsh Cycling will work to ensure that it will become more Equitable; both in terms of the organisation and the wider sport.

If you have any feedback or suggestions you would like to make on how we can make Welsh Cycling more equitable then please contact: info@welshcycling.co.uk

Download the latest copy of the Welsh Cycling Equality Policy.

The Equality Act 2010: How does it affect sports clubs?

The Government Equalities Office has prepared guidance which is applicable to some sports clubs. The provisions in the Equality Act which apply to associations do not apply to all sports clubs and the definitions regarding who these particular provisions apply to are set out below:

  • Have 25 or more members
  • Control access to membership by rules involving a selection process (not necessarily formal or written).

For example, clubs which require applicants for membership to make a personal application, be sponsored by other members and/ or go through some kind of selection process will be affected by the Act.

Equality Act: How will it affect your club?

How to report harassment or bullying

Welsh Cycling wants to know if you have been the victim of harassment related to equality and any of the nine protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010, for example verbal abuse, harassment or victimisation. This is because we want to do everything we can to stamp out such injustice within our sport. The details you provide will be recorded and held securely and confidentially, and subject to the circumstances we will do what we reasonably can to provide you with support.

You should report any incident to us in confidence please contact the Welsh Cycling equality lead:  Georgina.harper@welshcycling.co.uk