Cheddar Cyclosportive ready for another sell out event

Cheddar Cyclosportive ready for another sell out event

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Event: 15 September 2013
Location: Sharpham Road Playing Fields, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3DR

Now in its sixth year this popular Sportive takes you through the picturesque Somerset countryside with the optional challenge of the awesome Mendip Hills and famous Cheddar Gorge.

The 100km has some short but challenging climbs taking you across the historic Somerset Levels to Glastonbury, as far south as Somerton, through High Ham, and back across the levels in a final loop taking in the outstandingly beautiful villages nestled below Crook Peak before heading back to Cheddar.

The 160km takes in the same first 100km loop with a split when back at Cheddar taking you east for a series of three climbs. This year we are climbing Cheddar Gorge, through to Priddy for a well deserved feed stop. Descending into Wells takes us to the second climb up to Penhill mast, before heading back up over the Mendips just south of the Chew Valley Lakes to Blagdon for the third climb Burrington Coombe. Finally we descend Shipham Hill taking us back into Cheddar for the finish.

A challenging, well signed route with three feed stations, electronic chip timing and changing and shower facilities – all for £23!

A limited number of entries are still available for the Cheddar Cyclosportive – enter now using British Cycling online entry.