Update: Exmoor Beast

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Update: Exmoor Beast

Event: 31st October 2010 | Event Details

Posted: 21st September 2010

Latest news from MIG, whose Exmoor Beast tougie is fast approaching...

Registrations update

Registrations are now well into the 700+ mark, so please spread the word amongst clubs, friends and associates that opportunities to participate will be running thin very soon. Tell them not to hang about, make sure they get online and registered or they'll miss out on what promises to be an absolutely cracking event!

Don't go to the lake!

News and gossip about The Beast has been fairly lively in the press and online, so here's a quick opportunity to mention a few things and clear up some issues. First off, our friends over at Cycling Weekly ran a piece a couple of weeks ago in which they accidentally said that The Beast would be starting from Wimbleball lake. As you know, THIS IS NOT CORRECT! - this year we kick off again from Butlins in Minehead. However, until such time as Cycling Weekly put out a correction, please help us out and make sure that we get accurate gen out by passing on the correct information to anyone thinking of signing up. Returning to Butlins is a huge bonus and will give us all a fantastic start and finish point, not to mention the perfect spot for friends and supporters whilst they await your glorious return!

Whether the weather be good, or whether the weather be not...

Another topic which has cropped up on one of the online forums has been the issue of the weather and the cancellation of the 100 mile route last year. Let's just be very clear, this was a VERY unusual situation, and whilst the exposed nature of Exmoor is what makes The Beast the challenge it is, weather of that extreme kind is pretty uncommon. That said (and not wanting to tempt fate a la Michael Fish) it's something which can occasionally affect ANY event. For example, those slightly longer in the tooth will remember that riders were prevented from completing the final few kilometers of Le Etape du Tour in 2000. Even this year, the Granfondo Sportful in Italy was restricted to the 78 mile 'medio' route because of extremely bad weather conditions. So, the occasional burst of unpleasant weather isn't restricted to the UK or to The Beast. Let's also remember that despite what Mother Nature threw at everyone last year, thanks to the dedication and organisation of the team, the 100km route still ran. It's that spirit of determination which separates the boys and girls from the men and women - and The Beast from other events! As it happens, whilst long term weather forecasting is about as accurate as astrology, early predictions seem to be for average rainfall for October, with slightly lower than average temperatures.

And finally...

If you've got any further questions, tips or tales from past events, please feel free to drop us a line to info@exmoorbeast.org Right - time to stop reading this and get back to your preparation!

All the Be(a)st,
The MIG Team