Young People

Young People


Young People

Young People’s Panel

Led by Scottish Cycling, the panel provides a national platform to represent a voice for young people from across Scotland to influence and shape the future of Cycling in Scotland. 

The panel was formed in June 2019 and members, will have the opportunity over a two year period to have her views heard and valued and the chance to influence decision making and drive change in the sport. 

The young peoples panel runs for a two year cycle the recruiting cycle restarts in in 2021. 

Read more about the Young People’s Panel here.

For more information on the young peoples panel contact:  

Volunteering Opportunities

There are lots of ways that you can get in involved as a young volunteer, giving you the perfect opportunity to build on your leadership and communication skills in a practical environment.

Over the next four years we will be developing a number of opportunities for young people to volunteer and experience the other side of their sport. There will be information about these programmes in 2020. In the meantime, if you want to get involved as a volunteer, speak to your local Go-Ride club or email for more information.