British Cycling Commute Membership

British Cycling Services Over Christmas

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British Cycling At Christmas

The British Cycling offices will close for Christmas at 1pm on Thursday 24 December. The Office Will re-open at 9am on Monday 4th January. However, some key services will be operating, as follows:

Membership Department

Over the Christmas period the British Cycling Membership Department phone lines will be open as follows:

  • Tuesday 29 December: 9am until 5pm
  • Wednesday 30th December: 9am until 5pm
  • Thursday 31 December: 9am until 2pm
  • You can also join or renew your membership online

The membership department will re open in the New Year on Monday 4th January. Lines will be open, as normal, from 8am until 6pm

Accident Helpline

If you are a member who has been involved in a cycling incident, please dial 0161 274 2015


We'll continue to run our website as normal throughout the holiday period. Send all your race reports, event updates, news etc to

Season's Greetings

From all of the British Cycling team, we wish all our members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.