As a part of the ongoing Coach Development we offer, we are pleased to partner up with Cardiff Metropolitan University. The Cardiff Met Sports Coaching Hub will deliver three virtual workshops, one in January, February and March.
These workshops are focused on developing your core coaching skills rather than the cycling specific aspects, as such we are very pleased to have engaged world leading deliverers in Cardiff Met.
The dates are below:
- Tuesday 19th January 2021 - 6.30pm-9.30pm
- Tuesday 16th February 2021 - 6.30pm-9.30pm
- Tuesday 16th March 2021 - 6.30pm-9.30pm
This is a be-spoke coaching performance programme that unpicks the everyday reality of coaching practice. Through world leading 'practical theorists', the workshop[s] offer an insight into
(i) self[reflection] - future thinking
(ii) self & other(s) {learning) - how do we structure learning environments?
(iii) self & environment.
The cost is £25 per workshop or £60 if you book onto all three.
There is a discount for Go Ride Club Coaches, £15 per workshop or £30 for all three workshops.