Club Development

Club Development


Club Development Framework

Cycling in Scotland is at a pivotal moment in its development. The link between physical activity & sport to the populations wellbeing is more of a focus in public policy than before. This influences the way that we deliver cycling activity, moving towards a balance between Cycling for All and Cycle Sport. Our clubs are at the heart of this delivery. Therefore, our main focus is to support clubs in implementing a philosophy, structure and activities that facilitate the development of their riders to be the best that they can be.

We believe that by adopting an approach that delivers Cycling For All and/or Cycle Sport, our clubs will find the inspiration, energy and direction to create and fulfil their ambitions.

Cycling For All, termed Changing Lives by sportscotland, is an approach that we believe enables
clubs to create a vision. It harnesses the passion for cycling that all participants possess and unpacks this to create a clear intent that uses cycling activity as a vehicle to deliver positive change in people’s lives.

Cycle Sport is the collection of elements: Events, Coach Education, Clubs and Officials, that create an environment for riders to progress. From entry level to elite racing, each element has an individual pathway that delivers the experience and knowledge required to be effective at each stage.

Our Club Development Framework forms a fundamental element of the Scottish Cycling Corporate Strategy and brings together the resources that allow clubs to form a: flexible, clear and focussed path to develop a plan that works for them.

The Scottish Cycling Club Development Framework follows the model of the sportscotland Club and Communities Framework in order to create a common language that will enable access to a wider resource. The framework provides a flexible pathway for clubs to progress and is supported by an extensive collection of templates, guides and case studies that will help enable this journey.


Our Club Development Framework is split into six priority areas, these can be used as the pillars of a club development plan.







Underpinning each key area are a series of action statements which are listed on each page by clicking the links above. For each action statement, your club should ask itself:

Do we do this?

Should we do this?

Underpinning each action statement, are a number of indicators which are available on separate documents.