The Role of the Volunteer Co-ordinator
News Posted 27th May 2009
Traditionally, cycling clubs have always had a Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson as key volunteers. Many also have Coaches, Road Racing Secretaries, Mountain Bike Secretaries and other positions for people with particular interests.
However, the level of activities and co-ordination of clubs in particular disciplines often depends on 1 person’s enthusiasm and passion. But when that person moves or stands down from that role, the level of activities often dwindles. For example, the resignation of a Mountain Bike Secretary may lead to less co-ordinated Mountain Biking in the club or the resignation of a coach may lead to fewer activities for young people.
One way that a club can ensure that the number and quality of activities remains high, is the appointment of a Volunteer Co-ordinator. A new volunteer undertaking the role of the Volunteer Co-ordinator would be tasked with co-ordinating the recruitment of new volunteers. It won’t be their sole responsibility to recruit new volunteers but by co-ordinating the recruitment of new people, clubs will be able to make sure that there are replacements in line ready to take over.
A Volunteer Co-ordinator can lead a volunteer recruitment drive by getting to know current and prospective members and letting them know what opportunities exist within the club. They can also work with British Cycling’s National Development Officer for Volunteers to help some young people get the volunteer training required that will make them effective young leaders. The Volunteer Co-ordinator can help more young people develop their skills and experience that will stand them in good stead when searching for employment or further education by directing them to the Cycling Award for Young Volunteers.
Having a Volunteer Co-ordinator is good practice for Go-Ride Clubs because it can help a club be pro active in recruiting club officials and helpers at events. The benefit being that other volunteers can concentrate on their roles. The Coach can coach, the Treasure can record the finances and the Funding Co-ordinator can concentrate on funding bids. This will spread the tasks around and make activities sustainable.
For more information about how a Volunteer Co-ordinator can help your club contact the National Development Officer for Volunteers Aaron Howorth on 0161 274 2126 or
The following link also has an exemplar Volunteer Coordinator role description courtesy of Runningsports. Runningsports has a wealth of resources to help volunteers in their clubs and more can be found from