British Cycling - Governance

British Cycling - Governance

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As the internationally recognised governing body for the sport in Great Britain, we are committed to promoting and protecting the sport of cycling through corporate governance and professional administration.

British Cycling is responsible for the management and development for all key areas with anti-doping, equality and safeguarding key priorities of corporate responsibility. These areas require robust structures to best protect the interests of all stakeholders in the sport.

We are responsible for the management of disciplinary cases within the sport of cycling. The purpose of these disciplinary rules is to provide clear and uniform procedures for handling cases.

In particular, the rules encourage members to accept a predetermined sanction for given acts of misconduct rather than undergoing a full tribunal, but establish an impartial panel of decision makers with clear rules for evidence and standards of proof should a full disciplinary hearing be required.

The disciplinary rules are benchmarked against acknowledged best practice of other sports' National Governing Bodies and we are confident that they provide our members with a fair, robust and consistent approach to disciplinary matters.

As in any sport, the organisation’s success is underpinned by the dedication and enthusiasm of our members. The British Cycling board consults annually with the National Council which includes representatives of the England regions, Scottish Cycling, Welsh Cycling and other affiliated bodies.