Women and Girls Toolkit

Women and Girls Toolkit


Supporting more women and girls into cycling clubs

In line with our women’s strategy, British Cycling have produced a women and girls toolkit to support and help clubs to increase female participation. This club toolkit has been developed with input from clubs, coaches, riders and experts in behavioural traits within women’s cycling.

We encourage you to explore each of the sections and apply the guidance to your own circumstances, making use of the club checklist as a barometer of progress and to help in setting short- and  long-term goals.

We recognise that the club landscape is incredibly varied with some clubs able to offer more opportunities than others, but this toolkit caters for all and will support you to understand the current climate within cycling. As a starting point, it is essential that your club has a clear focus on who your target audience is and what you can offer.

Using the toolkit

The toolkit reviews the barriers identified by women and also outlines their key motivators, summarising these with recommendations for tangible actions you could implement. We also explore recruitment and retention of riders and how this can be supported with marketing and communication, promoting case studies which highlight best practice from cycling clubs already doing great work in this area.

The club checklist and useful documents sections will help to structure club planning sessions or enable your women’s cycling lead to perform a review and identify next steps for your club.

You can down the full women and girls toolkit below.


Or you may wish to look at certain sections within this.

INSIGHT - The insight section provide details on key research and outlines the current cycling landscape for women and girls cycling.

BARRIERS TO PARTICIPATION - Within this section we look at some of the key barriers to cycling participation for women and girls.

MOTIVATORS - We outline the attitudes and key contributes that motivate women and girls to take part in an activity or session.

RECOMMENDATIONS  - We provide useful insight into how clubs can overcome some of the barriers to participation, with key recommendations the club could implement.

RECRUITMENT & RETENTION - This section looks at how clubs can recruit new riders and but also identifies the importance of retaining current riders.

MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS - We provide clubs with examples of best practice in marketing and communication which will help attract and appeal to new and existing riders.

CASE STUDIES - The case studies provide examples of how clubs have been successful in increasing female participation. Along with some top tips and advice.

CLUB CHECKLIST - The club check list is a great tool to help support clubs in setting short and long terms goals to increase female participation.

USEFUL DOCUMENTS - Within this section you can explore additional useful documents, which will help your club evaluate your current offer and plan for the future.