Platinum Profile - Ana

Tell us about yourself
Club - Heanor Clarion CC

Q: What level are you currently at on the Cycling Award for Young Volunteers Programme?

A: Completed the Gold Award.

Q: What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

A: Volunteering has allowed me to interact with people in a new way and has also meant that I can help them.

Q: How do you think being a volunteer has helped you?

A: I have gained new skills like leadership and teamwork. I have also built my confidence and made new friends.

Q: Is there anything you would change about your volunteering experience?

A: I would have handed my completed Blogbook in sooner.

Q: Where would you like your volunteering to take you in the future?

A: I am currently doing my Level 1 Coaching course so it will help me with that. I also hope that it will present me with some great job opportunities.
Ana's first blog coming soon...