British Cycling West Midlands Region AGM 2020


The Annual General Meeting of the West Midlands Region is to be held on Monday 14 September 2020.  Due to the current social distancing and Covid-19 pandemic the AGM will be held by online meeting, starting at 19:30.

The AGM is an important part of the organisation and administration of British Cycling activities, both locally in the West Midlands and in respect of National initiatives, and our meeting is open to all members of British Cycling, whatever part of the sport you represent – BMX, Cycle Speedway, Road, XC, DH, Enduro, Cyclocross, Track, etc. 

Any proposals to amend/introduce rules at a National or Regional level need to be submitted through this meeting, and should be clearly set out in writing with the support of two BC members.  Discussion items are also welcome.  Whatever your proposal/query, these need to be sent to the Regional Secretary, Andy Robson, by Wednesday 3 September -

For example

-        you may believe that one of the existing National or Regional rules needs amending, or that the sport needs to do more for certain categories of membership.

-        you may be interested in suggesting improvements or joining the working groups that deliver the various Regional initiatives, the local League structures, the support that is provided to organisers, officials, coaches and riders in the Region or the work to improve cycle-sport facilities across the West Midlands Region.

The meeting will also elect the West Midlands Board for 2020-21, with elections will be by ballot at the AGM unless unopposed. A list of Board positions is shown below.

Chair; Vice-Chair; Secretary; Treasurer;

Working Group Leads: CycloCross; Disability and inclusion; Road; Social and Recreation; Transport and Active Travel; MTB (XC and DH); Women’s Cycling; Cycle Speedway; BMX; Track; Cycling Officials & Volunteers

The agenda papers will be circulated 10 days before the meeting to enable all attendees to consider the points ahead of the meeting itself.


If there is anyone that you think would be interested in attending that might not receive this notice directly, please forward this on to them, as all West Midlands British Cycling members are welcome.

Registration for the meeting is required via this form in order to get the log in details : . Registration to attend must be placed by 4 September, after which a meeting invite link will be sent out.

These are the only two meetings that British Cycling club delegates and private British Cycling members are asked to attend. Please do your utmost to support them. Your views are most welcome, and also do get in touch if you are interested in finding out more about any of the work groups or have any questions.