British Cycling South West Region is holding its Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 23 September 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the AGM will be held as a socially distanced meeting at the Kenn Centre, Exeter Road, Kennford, Exeter EX6 7UE, with a limit of 30 people and as a webinar for those unable to attend physically.
Attendance is open to all members, should you wish to represent your club and have their voting rights, please agree this with your club/team secretary in the first instance. All attendees for both the physical and online must register their intent to attend by registering their interest at Please attach a scan of your 2020 membership card.
Registration to attend must be made by 19 September, a link to access the webinar or Covid regulations for the Kenn Centre attendees will then follow.
These arrangements are subject to modification should circumstances change.
The AGM meeting will follow all bye laws of the SW region. All nominations, motions and questions must be received by 9September at All papers relating to the AGM will be circulated to club secretaries and on social media 10 days before the meeting.
The meeting will elect Officers to serve the Region for the forthcoming year, appoint two examiners of accounts and a Regional Board from nominations received all in accordance with Regional and National Byelaws. In addition, the AGM will elect two National Councillor representatives (all of whom shall be Regional Council members).
A list of SW Board positions is shown below.
Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
Workgroup Representatives: BMX, Cyclo Cross, Road & Track
Discipline Representatives: MTB, Cycle Speedway,
Up to 6 additional board members to a maximum of 15 members of the Regional Board. In 2020 one elected member was responsible for recreation and non-competitive cycling
All motions, questions and nominations (with a short CV) should be received by email to the Regional Secretary by the 9 September 2020 at the latest
If you require any further information please contact the regional secretary (email above)
Regional Governance
The South West Region is one of ten English regions governing the sport and all its disciplines. The Regional Board is the ultimate authority in the region and the only body recognised by National Council and headquarters. The Regional Board works with British Cycling nationally, determines broad policy within the South West, liaises with the British Cycling employees in the region, and coordinates and supports the work of each discipline.
The South West pioneered a system of discipline specific workgroups within the area, which have now run for many years. Each workgroup has a constitution, and administrates the important day to day work such as organising races, appointing officials etc. The philosophy being those who are most passionate about their branch of the sport will run it in the best way possible.
There are workgroups for BMX, Cyclo-Cross and Road & Track. The Regional Board is hoping to establish an MTB workgroup. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Regional Board or becoming a member of one of the South West workgroups please contact the regional secretary at the address above.