British Cycling Central Region AGM 2020


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Central Region will take place Thursday 17 September 2020
Due to Covid-19 the AGM will be held online. Registration for the meeting is required to obtain log in details.
Registration is by made by emailing to:     

The meeting will commence at 7.00pm, links to join the meeting will be sent to you via your registration.
2020 has been tough for everyone and in cycling we have had to stay away from much of what we do every weekend and from our friends. In Central we are extremely fortunate to have many dedicated and committed people who volunteer their time to support cycling in sport and cycling for all. The region board is made up of volunteers who work to coordinate and support the work of volunteers and provide opportunities for Central members. The involvement of members is vital to ensure the region can reflect and respond to the membership.

Nominations for officers of the region together with Board members to serve 2020/2021 are invited.
Agenda items to be raised at the AGM along with amendments to Byelaws will need to be advised by Friday 4 September 2020  - If accepted by two -thirds of votes cast by registered delegates on the day these can then be submitted for inclusion at the Annual Meeting of the National Council.

All communications must be sent to:

Club representation voting rights at the AGM will be in accordance with Byelaw 9.9 and these will be advised to you once details are received from British Cycling on 1 September.

All attendees must be current members of British Cycling.