Lockdown Cycling Goals

Lockdown Cycling Goals


With no real world cycling events in the foreseeable future, whether you’re a sportive enthusiast or a racer, maintaining motivation without the carrot of your next challenge can be difficult. However, with a shift in mindset, goals and focus, there’s no reason why you can’t emerge from lockdown a stronger and more balanced rider.

Get off the bike fit

Whether it’s strength training, mobility, core work, yoga or Pilates, off the bike conditioning will not only make you stronger, more comfortable and potentially more aero on the bike, it’ll also help to bullet proof you against injury.

Many riders tend to shirk it however either because of a lack of time or because they find it has a negative short term effect on their cycling form. However, with many of us now having more flexibility during our working day, not riding so much and no events or races to peak for, there’s really no excuse.

Take advantage of the plethora of online workouts currently available, maybe find a few you and your family enjoy and, even if it’s just 10-15 minutes each day, consistent off the bike work will undoubtedly be of benefit to almost all cyclists.

British Cycling Lower Body Mobility Routine

British Cycling Upper Body Mobility Routine

Focus on quality not quantity

Many cyclists gauge their success by the miles they accumulate but, when it comes to fitness gains, more isn’t always more.

If you normally tend to be a mile muncher, you’ll almost invariably have the potential for significant progress if you switch your focus to some higher intensity more structured training.

By working more on your top-end and spending less time in the saddle, you’ll build a more powerful engine which, when you do get back to longer rides, will be more efficient and cruising speed will feel blissfully easy. You’ll also gain some climbing punch, improve your ability to bridge gaps and maybe even win a few village sign sprints.

British Cycling 8-week Indoor Time Efficient Training Plan

Race on Zwift

Just because you can’t race in reality at the moment, it doesn’t mean you can’t get your competitive fix in the virtual world. Racing on Zwift is competitive, addictive and a lot of fun. You might also be surprised at the amount of tactics and even skills involved and it’s rarely the rider who puts out the most watts who wins.

Try a race on Zwift

Work on weaknesses

Away from the public glare of competition or even the Club Run, now’s a great time to honestly assess your weaknesses on the bike, work on them in relative secret and then unleash them on your unsuspecting rivals post-lockdown.

So, whether you’re lacking a sprint, struggle on climbs or can’t roll a big gear on the flat, you won’t have a better time to make yourself a better all round rider.

British Cycling Digital Training Plans

Nail your nutrition

If you’re working from home at the moment, it’s a great opportunity to take charge of your nutrition and, if necessary, shed a few pounds. Get into the habit of planning your meals, cooking from scratch and, if you have any leftovers, freezing portions. Without the lure of the office biscuit stash or seemingly daily birthday cakes, there’s no excuse.

British Cycling Recipes

British Cycling Nutrition eBook