Our Events Review needs you!

Our Events Review needs you!

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Scottish Cycling, with the support of GSi Events, is conducting a review of our domestic events and competition in Scotland, in a bid to ensure events across the country are able to achieve maximum impact and growth.

The Scottish Cycling events team support the delivery of over 300 events, including 22 national championships, including staging the Youth Tour of Scotland. The growth and development of our calendar of events is crucial to achieving our strategy, Developing a Nation of Cyclists.

The review will take place throughout early 2022, with recommendations expected in the spring. As always, we want our community of volunteers and riders to be at the heart of our activity, and so actively welcome input from the community into this strategic review.

If you wish to contribute to this review there are two opportunities to do so. Members of the community can complete this survey and share your views with us. This survey will be open until Friday 4th February.

We also invite anyone in the Scottish Cycling community to participate in a strategic review workshop, which will take place via zoom on Thursday 27th January from 6-8pm. Please register for this session here.

Commenting on the review, Sophie McCall, Head of Development & Participation, said:

“There is no better place to see the thrill, excitement and passion that runs through cycle sport than at our events. We want to give everyone the opportunity to experience this thrill by ensuring our priorities enable the growth, development and impact of domestic events in Scotland. We look forward to working with GSi events, and our community, on this review.”

Leading the review from GSi Events will be Senior Project Consultant Jane Moncrieff, who added:

“I am looking forward to bringing my experience and knowledge from many years of working in sport to help Scottish Cycling deliver its ambition to develop a Nation of Cyclists. Not being involved in the sport means that I can bring a fresh and unbiased look at how things work, and can make some recommendations that will have a positive impact on the events landscape in Scotland.”

If you have any further questions about our events review please contact events@scottishcycling.org.uk