Points: Steven Parsonage

Current Club: DAS Richardsons
Year End Club: DAS Richardsons
Competition Eligibility: Open
Category: 1st
National Rank: 73
National Points: 90
Regional Rank: N/A




Date Category Event Position Points
03/10/2021 National B Gerry Thurlow Cup for Men & The Wolds Grand Prix for Women (OPEN Nat Bs incorporating East Midlands Regional RR Champs) (Gerry Thurlow Cup (Incorporating the East Midlands Men's Regional Championship 2021)) 12 13
26/09/2021 National A Beaumont Trophy 2021 (E/1/2) 61 0
19/09/2021 National B Maldon and District CC Road Races 2021 (E/1/2/3) 1 60
04/09/2021 National B Team LDN - Brother UK Crit Series 4 (E/1/2 )
30/08/2021 National B Pro Cycle Hire UK RT Races at Beaulieu Park (E/1/2/3) 5 14
30/08/2021 National B Pro Cycle Hire UK RT Races at Beaulieu Park (E/1/2/3)
22/08/2021 National A The Ryedale Grasscrete Grand Prix (E/1/2 ) 0 0
15/08/2021 National A Lancaster Grand Prix (E/1/2)
04/07/2021 National B The Tim James Memorial Road Race (E/1/2/3) 18 3
30/06/2021 National A The 2021 LOGCO Otley Cycle Races (The Property Development Otley GP) 36 0
  Rider's total points     90