Cycle Speedway British Final coverage could reach 152 million homes worldwide

Cycle Speedway British Final coverage could reach 152 million homes worldwide

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The current Sky Sports TV exposure of cycle speedway is set to yield an amazing publicity bonus for the sport with confirmation that the Wilco British Final could eventually have a worldwide reach of an astonishing 152 million homes.

In figures released today to Joe Mclaughlin, the Coventry CSC member who contracted the coverage, the statistics make interesting reading, amounting to coverage of the sport never before seen. The final will be seen by people in all five continents, with broadcasts in as many as 25 different countries, including Poland and Australia, where the sport has firm roots.

An incredible 60 million homes in Asia and the Middle East, projecting to 180 million people, will have access to the action from Eaton Park, Norwich. In the USA, where the latest World Final was held, the event see the transmission in a potential 20 million homes.

Australian channel Foxsports will host coverage to six million houses down under, with eight million Polish homes having access to Andy Angell's triumph. Meanwhile, Central and South America will see output of the final to 60 million residences.