News: HMRC Coach & Tutor Campaign

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The Coaching and Education department at British Cycling has received notification of a new HMRC Tax Catch-Up Plan for coaches and private tutors.

According to the HMRC website, you will need to register for the Tax Catch-Up Plan: “If you are paid for providing coaching, instruction or tuition and tax is not deducted and you don't include that income on a tax return or have an adjustment already in your tax code.”

A deadline of the 6th January 2012 has been set for registration for the new campaign which is designed to encourage disclosure of undeclared tax liabilities. Following the initial notification, the HMRC will then send you a disclosure and payment form which will need to be submitted by 31st March 2012 to complete stage two of the process.

By doing this, HMRC state the terms of payment will be more favourable than those offered to people who wait to be contacted.

Full details of how and why you should act can be found on the HMRC website by clicking here.

Alternatively, you can call them direct on: 0845 601 8817

To view a guide for employers / deployers and coaches on the employment status of coaches produced by Sports Coach UK in partnership with HMRC please click here

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