Notts and Derby Cyclocross


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League Information

League type: League
Affiliated: 31/12/2024
Affilation status: Active

Total league members: 1

About our league

Welcome to the 2024-2025 season of the Notts & Derby Cyclocross League. Please read the following information before purchasing your membership.

You are eligible to join if:

1. You are a member of a club that is based in Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire and that club has affiliated to the league. Check the club list on the league website to see if your club has affiliated. If this is the case, affiliate as a member of an NDCXL affiliated club.
2. You are not a member of a club that has affiliated to the League but you live within the counties of Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire and wish to affiliate as a ‘Private Member’. Please note that there is a different fee for Private Members.
3. The club listed on your British Cycling membership matches the NDCXL club that you intend to affiliate under. Your club can be changed on your British Cycling dashboard or by contacting the British Cycling membership department.

If you are not eligible to affiliate and you submit an affiliation request it will be rejected and the £1 admin fee that is charged by British Cycling will not be refunded.

If you do not meet the above criteria, you cannot join the league, but you are welcome to enter the individual rounds as a non-affiliated rider. Entry will be open for non affiliated riders two weeks before the event.

Buy League Membership


League Website

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How to join our league

Please choose from the following options to pay league subscriptions.

Contact the league using the details in the contact tab before you buy your subscription. Please note the £1.00 application fee is non-refundable.

  Price Age Membership required?

Affiliation for members of an NDCXL affiliated club

+£1.00 application fee
0 - 120 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Affiliation for members of an NDCXL affiliated club
Age : 0 - 120
Price : £1.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

Affiliation for Private Members that are eligible for the league

+£1.00 application fee
0 - 120 No British Cycling membership required Buy membership
Affiliation for Private Members that are eligible for the league
Age : 0 - 120
Price : £25.00 +£1.00 application fee
No British Cycling membership required

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free