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Snow Riding - Get out and enjoy the white stuff!
We couldn't resist re-running this video, which we originally shot almost a year ago in the midst of the worst of the 2009-10 winter. The aim was to inspire you get out and have a go at riding in the snow. It's not meant to be a definitive guide to riding on the white stuff. And, to be fair, it was shot after a dump of lovely powder snow, which is easier to ride in than the heavier, claggy stuff we usually get in the UK.
But, the bottom line is, if you've got a mountain bike or something else tough enough to stand the odd slide or tumble, and if you can find somewhere free from slithering, slipping, sliding traffic, there's a lot of fun to be had on two wheels in snow. It's great for building bike-handling skills and above all else it's a hoot. Why not give it a try?
And, if you've got money to burn or you're convinced that these winters are here to stay, you could try one of these.....